Middlewares in the Silicon framework

The design of the Silicon middlewares relies on several concepts:

A middleware is represented by one or two classes:

Stateless factories: When a middleware factory does not have to maintain a state or data to provide instances, the instance class can directly implement instantiate as a static method.

Naming Convention: Given a middleware, for example a connection to a mysql database. The instance name should be mysql_connection and the factory mysql_connection_factory.

Using middlewares

It is often usefull for a procedure to gain access to external data like access to a database. Procedures request a middleware by simply declaring it as a parameter.

The following example gets data from a sqlite database using the sqlite_connection middleware:

#include <silicon/api.hh>
#include <silicon/mhd_serve.hh>
#include <silicon/sqlite.hh>

int main()
  using namespace sl;

  auto api = http_api(
    GET / _get_user / _id[int()] = [] (auto p, sqlite_connection& c)
      auto res = D(_name = std::string(), _age = int());
      if (!(c("SELECT name, age from users where id = ?")(p.id)() >> res))
        throw error::not_found("User with id ", p.id, " not found.");

      return res;

  auto middlewares = std::make_tuple(sqlite_connection_factory("db.sqlite"));
  sl::mhd_json_serve(api, middlewares, 12345);


A sqlite_connection_factory, the object responsible for the sqlite_connection creation, is added to the api via bind_factories.

Procedures can take any number of middlewares as argument, in any order.

Middlewares and dependencies

Middlewares can depend on each others, until there is no dependency cycle. For example, a sqlite session storage requires a cookie tracking id to identify a request and an access to a sqlite database.

struct sqlite_session_factory
  sqlite_session_factory(const std::string& table_name)
    : table_name_(table_name)

  // Run once at the initialization of the server:
  void initialize(sqlite_connection& c)
    // Create the table if it does not exists

  // Run for every procedure call taking session_data as argument.
  session_data instantiate(tracking_cookie& cookie, sqlite_connection& con)
    // Fetch the session belonging to cookie.id and using the connection con.
    // Return it.

  std::string table_name_;

Global Middlewares

Operations like logging the requests, monitoring the server load need to insert code before and after each procedure call. In Silicon, an API can implicitly attach a set of middlewares to each procedure call. The instantiate method of these middlewares will run before each request, and the destructor of the instance after.

To pass a set of global middleware to an API, simply wrap its procedures with the add_global_middlewares::to routine.

Here is a example showing a very simple example logging the running time of each request:

#include <iostream>
#include <silicon/backends/mhd_serve.hh>
#include <silicon/api.hh>

using namespace sl;

struct request_logger
    time = get_time();
    std::cout << "Request start!" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Request took " << (get_time() - time) << " microseconds." << std::endl;

  inline double get_time()
    timespec ts;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
    return double(ts.tv_sec) * 1e6 + double(ts.tv_nsec) / 1e3;

  static request_logger instantiate() { return request_logger(); }

  double time;

auto hello_api = http_api(GET / _test = [] () { return "hello world."; });

auto hello_api_ga = add_global_middlewares<request_logger>::to(hello_api);

int main()
  sl::mhd_json_serve(hello_api_ga, 12345);

Note that request_logger is a stateless factory.